Tuesday 10 January 2012

The tally's first hit of the year...

So, yeah, my high hopes for this year being different to last year have already taken a drubbing... A new pot of TCR came last week. Oh, and all these miniatures:

In my defence, I had a discount code for Black Cat, hence this box of lovelies - there's a couple of packs of Obelisk bits in there (zombies to menace Conan and Baboons because they're great) as well as some of Black Cat's own apes that I fancy painting for some Planet of the Apes style shenanigans.

Also arriving today was this package from em4 (which arrived frighteningly quickly, as usual):

Mostly bases, as I'd nearly run out, but yes, there's a miniature hiding in there too (they're just so cheap, it's hard to resist!)

With this little lot, this year's tally of painted vs purchased currently sits at:

0 vs 15 = -15

And yes, I took advantage of Heresy's Christmas Sale to pick up some Spyglass/Eolith minis, so it's going to go even further into the negatives in the near future...

Honestly, I have been painting recently, I've just not finished anything to post up! My young lady and I have a week off in about a fortnight, so I'm thinking of doing some sort of Mega Power Week (or Week of Mega Power, the name's not confirmed yet) whereby we pledge to try and complete something hobby related every day and post about it, with some sort of reward at the end of the week if we succeed...

Speaking of my young lady, today she hit some charity shops, and amidst the old vinyl and wellington boots, she picked me up this:

Which is fairly handy, as I'm almost out of sand...


  1. Nice haul of goodies. Thus far I have resisted buying anything but my resolve is crumbling. So many miniatures, so little time.

  2. I like this, never be ashamed to buy..it's the ooh shiny disease like man flu which is also real.....
