Saturday 7 July 2018

Tokens and barricades and misc oh my!

Not a lot of painting has occurred recently - in the UK, it's pretty hot, and I'm struggling to find motivation to put brush to miniature. I did however manage to finish some scavenge tokens and barricades from Mantic's Walking Dead game:

Whilst I was originally very excited about these in their bare plastic, they ended up being painted in many, many short instalments as and when I could snatch five minutes here and there. 

Also worthy of note - the famous bag of guns from the Kickstarter Exclusive set that I won in an Instagram giveaway:

The main benefit of this glorious summertime though, rather than the Football or beach trips as some might claim, is being able to get out in the garden and set up some shots with natural light!

Coming up next - who knows? I've got a few bits on the go, plus have added substantially to the painting queue by taking advantage of the good weather to undercoat 47 miniatures in the last couple of weeks...