So for this month’s game, I fancied making up a special scenario to use my newly painted clock tower. So I set up the table with it pride of place in the centre:
Wednesday 31 May 2023
Last Days Seasons campaign: May
Monday 29 May 2023
Last Days Seasons campaign: April
So, as I prep to play May’s Last Days game, I realised that I apparently never posted about April’s! It was okayed the weekend before Salute, so we’re well over a month overdue at this point…
For April’s game, I decided to play a custom scenario, based on the escape vehicle scenario from the main book. Essentially, they’d have to get to a locked truck, break into it (using the same mechanics as hot wiring the escape vehicle in the original scenario), and if they did there would be two more loot tokens to grab (in addition to one already on the board in the back of the truck at the start of the game.
I also played on a smaller than usual board, so that I could use a mat that came with the Walking Dead miniatures game. Since the playing area was a lot smaller than usual, I had the survivors move into the board in the first turn rather than starting deployed on it, and also used slightly different set up rules for the zombies. Rather than having the full number of zombies start on the board (which at this point in the campaign would be 17, not leaving much space for anything else on their edge!), I set aside this many zombie miniatures at the start of the game. I set up five in the middle of the board (one centrally, then the remaining four out towards each corner of the board), four along the edge of the board, and then set the remainder up to the side of the board. To represent the high density of zombies in the area, until all of these zombies had been deployed to the board, new zombies would appear on a roll of a 6+ rather than the usual 7.
So at the start of the game the board looked like this:
As Kevin falls to the ground, Umlaut leaps over a zombie and makes a break for freedom, leaving a slightly perplexed Dionne staring down the maws of four zombies. Unfortunately, our luck being what it is, another zombie shambles onto the board directly between Umlaut and safety before he can make good his escape. Dionne manages to break free of her remaining foes, and runs in the opposite direction, as the game ends with her and Umlaut running for the hills…
Post game, the first thing to do is roll for Kevin’s injury. I initially rolled a Shellshocked result, which would have removed the additional AP he has from a previous advance. Lynn’s first aid skill met me Reroll one die - if I rolled 3-5, it would have been a Full Recovery instead, so of course I rolled a 1, which makes it an arm injury, meaning he can no longer use his shotgun. Nuts.
Lynn goes up a level and gains the Agriculturalist skill, which is handy given the fact that our primary food source is laid up sick in bed. She could have gone up a second level, but that would have left 0xp for affecting the rolls, and I didn’t fancy my luck that much, so she’ll save the rest for next time.
Dionne levelled up and gets an additional point of firearms, which is impressive considering the fact that she didn’t actually fire her gun all game! I really need to find her a quieter gun so that she can make use of her increasingly impressive skill set…
Kevin levels up, and spends some xp to change his advance CQC instead of firearms, as it looks like his shotgunning days are sadly over…
Cece, however, frustrated at never hitting anything, spends an evening shooting at the B-road side of a barn door, and emerges with an additional point of firearms.
With a lot of survivors needing to rest, it’s a bit harder to man all the jobs that we need, but between the supplies (the most exciting find of which was a knife, which I wish I’d taken more of when we first started out) and careful assigning of tasks, everyone eats, and everyone gets a little less sick. Except for Jess, who remains bedridden, of course, and now Lynn is starting to show symptoms too…
A little plump guy…
Every now and then I diverge from my keenly focused projects and throw a random mini into the mix, and this is one of those:
I took painting him as an opportunity to use flesh tones that I wouldn’t usually - I started from Bestigor Flesh, so he looks fairly ruddy.
The Tally took a hit both ways though, as I grabbed this month’s freebie mini from GW:
An Arbite - you could really make a decent Inquisitorial warband with the minis they’ve given away over the last couple of years!
All in, the Tally now stands at:
21 vs 42 = -21
Coming next: more things that aren’t on this year’s project list, if I’m being brutally honest…
Friday 26 May 2023
Got wood… kits?
So, over on Facebook (nearly a fortnight ago- I need to get better at writing blog posts in a timely fashion!) I saw an offer that was hard to refuse: ten random old TTCombat mdf kits for £16. I ummed and ahhed a bit about whether to take the gamble and sink some of my limited hobby funds into what could potentially be useless to me, but caved when I figured that if I could use two or three of them that was still under a fiver a kit, and hoped that I got some useful buildings.
So, not long after I received roughly five inches of fun (feel free to insert your own joke here):
I decided against glueing down the roof piece, so that if need be I can stash loot tokens up there, use it as a sniper nest etc…
Saturday 13 May 2023
Who you gonna call?
So, we have a ghost:
I painted her with a series of light grey dry brushes, and washed her with a bluey green contrast paint (she’s a bit greener in real life than she looks in these photos taken on a rainy day) to make her look a bit spectral. If I were to paint her again, I’d maybe have worked some colour into the initial layers of paint rather than having it all come from the wash at the end, but I like her enough not to want to strip her and start again, so I’m calling it done.
20 vs 41 = -21
Sunday 7 May 2023
It just came off in my hand!
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to start watching Doctor Who again. We’d originally stopped watching when Capaldi took over, and so I thought I might as well start again, and work my way back through the modern series that I’d previously watched. I then delayed this plan by a couple of years, as I figured that I’d like to watch it with my children, but they were a bit young for it at the time. So when my eldest hit 8, I figured it was go time! It’s still a bit scary (and to my surprise, my youngest has clicked with it more than my eldest, and he’s only just turned 4), but I thought it might also be an opportunity to play some games too, so I turned to the Doctor Who Miniatures Game:
Mannequin Martha has come out looking a little bit like she’s coming in for a hug, but I’m not mad about it.
Finishing this half dozen brings the Tally to:
19 vs 41 = -22
What comes next? There’s a bunch of odds and ends on my painting tile, so I should probably work on clearing some space there! Although I should probably work on some more modern terrain…