Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Number Five, I presume

I know, I know, it’s been a while, I blame Cyberpunk 2077. My desire to paint miniatures hasn’t abated though, I potentially have more ideas for projects on the go than ever before…

That aside, I’ve actually managed to finish a miniature for the first time this year:

It’s Five, another miniature for the Umbrella Academy board game. Honestly, 99% of this paint job was completed last year, but I managed to get it over the finish line and then set about reducing the number of half painted minis I currently have piled on my painting tile…

The back is a lot more straightforward than the front, I’ll give you that.

And here’s how the game looks so far:

As well as finishing this miniature, there have also been a couple of Mini of the Months to drag the Tally in the opposite direction though:

A Striking Scorpion, in case I ever get round to doing an Eldar Inq28 warband

And a couple of Skaven, which can be sprinkled in with my existing rats to give a little more visual variety. 

Which takes the Tally to:

1 vs 3 = -2

So admittedly not the strongest start to the year (if you can call March the start of the year), but there’s still time to claw it back; until Salute that is, where the Tally will likely take a hit or two. Or the postman arrives, whichever comes first…