Tuesday 17 September 2024

Dem bones dem bones

 Dem ratty bones:

A kind chap called Andrew over on the Oldhammer Community Facebook Group offered some free nonhuman skeleton minis, as long as people promised to paint them, so here we are!

It might seem weird, but in its own way this is a big step for me - this is the first non GW mini in one of my Warhammer armies. When you think about it logically, I’m never going to play in an official tournament or even in a Warhammer store (doubly so now that I’m only really enthused about out of print editions of their games), so why shouldn’t I just use whatever miniatures I think are cool? It’s a conscious step that I’ve had to take though, as the official messaging has always been you can only use ‘proper’ Warhammer in your Warhammer, and I guess I had been conditioned by that thinking since the age of… nine, maybe?

Whatever, cast off the (mental) shackles of the capitalist overlords, here he is hanging out with some other bony boys:

In order to paint him, I also had to receive him, and the Tally shall be adjusted thusly.

I also treated myself to a copy of Wargames Illustrated, because it came with a sprue of greatcoat wearing French napoleonic types, which would be ideal conversion fodder for my Alamo project:

Yes, the Alamo project that I’ve only actually fully finished a single miniature of and here I am buying more miniatures for it, yes that one.

All things factored in, the Tally now stands at:

48 vs 205 = -157

What’s next? My painting tile has a broad variety of half painted minis currently, where my attention has wandered somewhat. Then again, it’s Zomtober soon, which usually helps to narrow that focus!


  1. Haha, once you've taken that step, there's no way back! Cool mini and nice effect alongside the other bony chaps!

  2. I feel you buddy, its weird to go "off reservation" but if you have no intention of going to an "official" tournament or game then 3rd party stuff can only enhance and individualise your army. My vampire count is about 3/4 3rd party with Kings of War providing cheap skeleton and zombie units. My greenskins has gobbo archers from Mantic.
