Friday 31 May 2024

Mortal Enemies

I pre-ordered the latest Frostgrave expansion Mortal Enemies pretty much the moment I read a synopsis of it, as I figured it would slot quite neatly into my solo campaign, and I imagined Tim the Necromancer was likely to have made an enemy or two on his rise to… well, not power, but whatever it is he’s managed to achieve so far.

So, I set about rolling up a random foe for Tim, and came up with a Lich accompanied by 2 men at arms, 2 wolves, and 2 werewolves, which is handy as I won’t need to paint anything up for that, having previously painted wolves and werewolves for Frostgrave, and some Stark troopers will fit in nicely there with their wolf head shields too.

When it came time to roll for spells, there was nothing that particularly inspired me. Bones of the Earth was nicely thematic, as well as a couple of spells to buff their troops… then I rolled Circle of Protection. I couldn’t remember what that spell actually did, so looked it up in the rulebook. And realised it would just pin the Lich in place, so was entirely pointless, so I decided to re-roll it. And rolled Beauty, which was when everything snapped into place and I realised I had the perfect miniature for that:

A Lich Sorceress from RAFM that I bought years ago, potentially at my very first Salute. She was sealed in a blister, so I’d only ever seen the back of her cape, but when I cracked it open she was even more perfect than I could initially have imagined.

With this, her backstory writes itself - Tim has broken the heart of a powerful sorceress, presumably after cuddling up to her to gain some magical knowledge or access to her library, and now she’s hunting him down. Maybe she enchanted herself to look like a beauty to seduce him, maybe he was entirely motivated by material gain, we’ll probably never know, but Tim presumably looks a little sheepish whenever anyone asks who it is that just smashed through the window bellowing for his blood…

Here’s the back of her too, the only bit that I’d seen for the first decade or so of owning her. I went a bit too hard drybrushing, but she’s a dusty old monster so I’m not mad  at the finished effect.

Finishing her brings the Tally to:

14 vs 147 = -134

In other news, I’ve also started a test model for my Alamo project:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the mini is unsettling, you're right, it tells a whole story by itself, really cool!
