Sunday 13 October 2024

Zomtober 2024 Week 2

 Another Sunday, another tiny dead thing - or two, this week, as they’re even tinier than the last one:

Two zombie halflings, rising from their tiny graves. The one on the left had some indeterminate facial features (I suspect what I mistook for jowls May in fact have been intended to be a moustache), but a generous dose of blood makes it all better. I know, I know, bloody zombies don’t really make sense when they’re rising from the grave (as opposed to being a fresh corpse reanimated) but as ever rule of cool wins out over science when we’re talking about our little dollies…

And the back! These are probably going to be making up the back ranks of the unit, but I put an equal amount of effort into every mini, front and back, regardless. 

Finishing these two brings the Tally to:

51 vs 205 = -154

Two weeks down, two more to go!

Sunday 6 October 2024

Zomtober 2024 Week 1 - the tiny dead…

It’s the first Sunday in October, and that can only mean one thing: Zomtober!

My original plan was to convert some more zombie beastmen to supplement the Zombieslayer inspired unit from last year, but time has conspired against me and I haven’t made any headway on that yet. However, having broken the seal on using non GW models in my Warhammer armies (Super was right) I figured that I could quickly paint some of the TTCombat zombies from the mystery box a friend and I drafted to bulk up that unit until I can make some more themed ones, the first of which looks like this:

I was originally tempted to paint them up like a Night Goblin, but figured I’d stick to neutral browns both for speed and also so they’d blend more into the finished unit.

At first glance they look like some sort of monk or priest, but then you see the chains and it raises some questions, I guess they were a naughty halfling in life…

Painting them brings the Tally to:

49 vs 205 = -156

Th king about it, if I finish Zomtober, I’ll hit my yearly challenge of averaging at least one painted mini a week, nice!

What’s next? I’ve got enough TTCombat zombies prepped that I’ll be able to hit all four weeks of Zomtober, but I still live in hope that I’ll be able to convert and paint some more thematic zombies. Now to find a 25th hour in the day, and also one of the old metal Minotaurs with a double handed weapon for a conversion that I’ve had knocking round in my head for years…