Monday 22 July 2024

Robots, but make them fantasy flavoured

Having finished a bevy of Oozes, I figured I should dig out the half-painted fantasy mechs that I had started in order to be able to play the next Frostgrave scenario in my solo campaign:

They’re repainted Mage Knight Steam Golems, and having a sword and a cannon arm make them pretty ideal for a Frostgrave Ballista - it’s just a shame that they’re so hard to get hold of these days (I ordered these for delivery to my brother-in-law’s fiancés house in the States, that he then brought back for me when he visited before he emigrated). I started painting them ages ago, but I wasn’t happy with how they were coming out and they ended up on the back burner.

I think it’s mostly that they’d come out looking flat and shiny, so grubbing them up with a certain amount of washes and stippling got them to a point where I was pretty happy with them. 

Being bendy plastic, there’s some variation in pose - I tried the hot water trick on these, as well as taking them apart and reassembling them, but while the one on the left looks like it’s ready to spring into combat, the one on the right has slight ‘time to limbo’ vibes.

Finishing these brings the Tally to:

41 vs 175 = -134

Next - hopefully some more cowboys, but I’m out and about a lot for work in the coming weeks which tends to eat at my painting time…

Saturday 20 July 2024

Drunktown: Population One

Clearing some bits off of my painting tile to make space for the next batch of undercoated little men, I’ve finished this chap who is looking slightly the worse for drink:

He’s a Black Scorpion mini I picked up at Salute. Their range is gorgeous, but unfortunately they’re head and shoulders taller than the Artizan and Foundry minis that I’ve already bought for my Cowboy project. With a slumped drunk, however, I figured the scale discrepancy wouldn’t be as noticeable… which leads me to why I bought him at all - a number of Legends of the Old West scenarios require about a dozen civilian bystanders, and I figured old Jeb here would fit pretty much anywhere there was a fence post for him to slump up against.

The Tally hasn’t only swing in one direction though - I (foolishly, perhaps) messaged a friend to highlight that MaxMini were doing a mystery box, with forty miniatures for only twenty pounds. We prevaricated, and discussed the fact that neither of us needed any more miniatures, until said friend came up with the idea of getting a box and drafting it like they were Magic cards. So we went and sat in the beer garden of my local pub and did just that:

It contained 46 minis all in, so both of us walked away with 23. There were so, so many halflings, so many that my friend considered restarting his Five Leagues project to feature an entirely halfling party. I ended up focusing mostly on undead types, as I figured that I could paint them up for Zomtober to add to my Zombieslayer Warhammer bits - which is going to be a big step, as despite the fact that they’ll never see the inside of a GW, and I’m building them for an out of print, unsupported edition, I still have this weird (conditioned, perhaps) feeling that I’m only allowed to use official GW minis for Warhammer. Which is absurd, but I guess to be expected when I’d been drinking the GW Kool-Aid since I was… 9, probably?

All in all, the Tally now stands at:

39 vs 175 = -136

What’s next? More clearing of the decks before I can crack on with these:

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Oozes sah

 Faaasahnds of ‘em!

So, after previously making some oozes, I was reading the adventure that I needed them for and realised that I actually needed two Ochre Jellies, so set about making another (complete with smaller and smaller versions, in case they get to use their splitting power):

Honestly, if you haven’t tried making ooze minis out of hot glue I heartily recommend giving it a go, the mild burns you’ll sustain are more than made up for by how satisfying a goopy mini you get at the end.

As I’d had so much fun before, I figured I could also make a different sort of ooze, a Black Pudding:

Same method of construction as before, but instead of getting glazed so that it was still transparent, they got a couple of coats of thinned Corvus Black (which is pretty much a very, very dark grey), then washed with Dark Tone, and then given a gloss varnish coat to make them look extra slimy.

I also selected the glue models that were extra ‘tentacle-y’ for the Black Pudding, as in the official art it looks like it’s especially grasping:

Finally, as I was making my plans, I figured that with just a couple more slimes I could use these in place of vapour snakes for Frostgrave, and so prepped two more medium and two more small bases, which would give me eight of each when I was one, which I assumed would be enough. But what to paint them as? I was tempted to paint them grey to hit another Monster Manual entry, and considered green or blue to make them look a bit manically or acidic, but then I thought ‘wait, what’s the best way I could mess with my family during D&D’, and realised that it was probably having pools of blood animate and attack them:

There were stippled with a couple of coats of Blood for the Blood God, as I wants it to look like flakes or drops of blood suspended in a slime. I could probably have gone a little darker, but worried that if I did it wouldn’t really read as ‘liquid’ any more, so this is how they’ll stay.

Finally, here’s a posed shot of my daughter’s Druid character getting menaced by a number of slimy foes:

Finishing these brings the Tally to:

38 vs 152 = -114

What next? I ordered myself a sculpting tool a that I could see about green stuffing some more Mexicans, but unfortunately it got delivered to our old address, which took a week to get sorted (as our old landlord apparently took the parcel to her house, and then forgot to bring it over after saying she’d drop it off…). Hopefully my enthusiasm is still as high when I finally get a chance to use it as it was a week ago…

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Alamo Test Model

I know I usually have a dumb pun or obscure reference for my blog post titles, but that’s really all I could think of for this - I’ve finished my test model for my Alamo Mexicans:

He’s actually been finished for a week or two now, but I kept looking at him thinking maybe I should do something else, and then got distracted building him some chums, but in the end I think he’s as done as he’s going to be.

He’s a lightly converted Warlord Napoleonic French chap that came free with a magazine at the end of last year (and I unfortunately missed out on getting a bunch more of for crazy cheap in the Warlord Sprue Sale as I emailed asking if something not in the sale would likely come back into stock soon, and in the single day it took for them to get back to me half of the things in my online basket had gone out of stock). Paint scheme involved having to nip out and buy anew pot of paint too, as I didn’t have a blue quite bright enough for what I wanted.

He’s a little scruffy, but I think I can relocate this scheme across multiple chaps, and they’ll look grand en Masse I think. Also, I gave him a Mexican colours plume, because I think it looks cool, when strictly I think he should have had a fully green Pom Pom. 

The conversion was pretty straightforward - as the Mexican troops dumped their gear before the attack on the Alamo, I carefully cut the cartridge pouch off of the models backpack, filled with green stuff the hole that the backpack would usually clip into, and then inspired by Chris Peach used masking tape hardened with superglue to make his back straps. Chris Peach approved:

So, where has my obsession with the Alamo come from when I’ve historically (pun intended) been a fantasy and zombie gamer? I’m… not sure, to be honest. Usually I can track the train of thought that ends up with me starting a new project, but this one is a bit of a mystery to me. The best I can think is that with the Silver Bayonet reminding me how much I liked Sharpe as a child and showing me how snazzy Napoleonic uniforms are, and my other random new obsession with cowboys (roll on the second part of the latest season of Yellowstone), the Alamo is basically the best of both worlds…

Or maybe I’m just approaching middle age. I’ve bought 3 Ospreys, and have been thoroughly enjoying them. My main inspirational image so far has been this one:

So if anyone knows anyone that makes heads with scarves and straw hats that scale nicely with Perry plastics, let me know! That, or if anyone knows of a UK stockist of Boot Hill Miniatures, since postage from Brigade in the States is a bit of a turnoff…

The Tally has also taken a hit in the other direction, as nipping into our local games store I noticed that they’d had a restock of D&D monsters, so I grabbed a couple of packs of mimics to potentially harangue my family with:

Side note - why is it that on the rare occasions that I find a store that stocks these minis, the always have tons of player characters, but very few monsters? Surely monsters is where the money is at, since a layer will buy one pack, but a DM needs to buy plenty… 

All in, the Tally now stands at:

24 vs 152

We’re pretty much halfway through the year, so I’m not actually that far off of keeping to my ‘average one mini a week’ Challenge. Unlikely to get it back into the black though, especially when you consider that a friend and I have gone halves on a mystery box of 40 minis, with the plan being to draft them…