Thursday 6 April 2023

Sage advice

And now for something completely different…

The same chum that I challenged to paint a 500 point Warhammer army, having finished that (as he only had to paint 18 miniatures, whereas I’m 40 odd in and only about halfway finished) messaged me asking if I’d heard of Inq28. I tried getting something similar off the ground a couple of years back with little success, but am always game for a new project, so popped some paint onto this mini that had been languishing in the painting queue for a few years:

It’s one of my favourite of all the miniatures released for 40k, as it’s such a simple yet characterful miniature, as well as being a non-combatant, which is rare enough in and off itself!

With him painted, the Tally moves to:

10 vs 10 = +0

And let’s me take this family photo of all my completed Inquisitorail henchmen so far:

My chum also sent me a link to Acolyte, a fan made rule set that uses the Kill Team rules with a heavy sprinkling of Rangers of Shadow Deep to make a campaign based game. While I love everything about that, in it’s intended form it’s about an Inquisitor’s acolyte and some generic mooks getting into scrapes, whereas I’m after something that lets you use some of the more interesting things, so I’m going to adapt it a bit:

The plan is to expand the variety of henchmen that can be taken, whilst also leaving them generic enough that they can be used to represent a variety of character archetypes - so, you’d have mostly generic henchmen:

Canid - dog!

Frateris - a close quarters mook, that can represent zealots, mutants etc (maybe I should write some mutation rules?)

Militia - same as the Frateris, but for shooting, for making guardsmen, gangers etc

Combat servitor - does what it says on the tin, but can also be used to make pit slaves etc

Sage - you’d select when creating whether it would be a savant (non combatant that gets bonuses to completing mission objectives) or a chirurgeon (medic!)

Familiar - cherubim etc - not sure if this should be a character or a piece of equipment though truth be told…

As well as a limited number (two?) of specialists:

Sororitas: choose whether they’re close combat or ranged (with accordingly different skills, stats etc) on creation to make repentia or sisters

Arco flagellant: can represent chrono gladiators etc

Xenos - basically just choose one from another kill team! Open to abuse, but don’t play with the sort of person that would do that rather than using it because they want to put something cool in their warband…

Assassin - death cult ftw!

Gunner - militia, but with a special weapon

Which is pretty much all I have so far. Most stat lines are adapted from other stuff in Kill Team, although I need to work something out for the Sage. I’m tempted to add more, like mechanicus and daemonhosts and rogue traders and all the other cool stuff from the old rulebook, but I think that might be overkill for this level of play - essentially an inquisitors favoured pupil being sent on errands with a few of masters resources. On the other hand, my co-conspirator has built a model to represent a blank, so I should probably work out a way to make that work!


  1. I have that figure....unpainted of course. I agree with you, it's a lovely sculpt and I wish there were more non combat sculpts. Thanks for the mention of acolyte...I'm definitely going to take a closer look. The inquisitorial warband stuff has such cool fluff which never really realizes very well on the battlefield with super powered monster like space marines representing an average stat line.

  2. Great work on the scribe, and fits in well with your warband. Sounds like a solid plan for the gaming, and it would be rude not to include a null, if your mate has already built one.

  3. I like that sculpts a lot. Never picked one up though for some reason...

    Have you heard of Inquisimunda? Fan-made rules based off the original Necromunda game, but obviously for all the cooler stuff in the 40K setting. Maybe what you're looking for.
