Tuesday 29 July 2014

Firefly Gunslinger

So, little by little (not the one day mad rush I'd originally envisioned as a shock to the system and palette cleanser) Firefly guy is done:

Which takes the tally to:

37 vs 35 = 2

Back to the Space Marines now I think though, and back on plan.

Well, or I might have started digging out miniatures for some destiny inspired kitbashes:

Currently, my Titan inspired figure is an armless Halo figure that's had some bits of armour trimmed down or completely removed and some gaps green-stuffed to make him look a little less obviously Spartan:

Arms from another Halo figure, shoulder pads from an old Judge Dredd sprue, and a gun from an Infinity figure should give the effect I'm going for, I just need to source a Mantic Enforcer head from somewhere for that robot Exo look (or I guess I could see about knocking up some sort of helmet, but currently I quite fancy the idea of a helmet less character). I've got a couple of coat-wearing figures set aside as potential body donors for a Warlock, and I've got my eye on a Dark Vengeance cultist as a donor of a nice gas mask wearing hooded head for a Hunter...

Or, y'know, something else. I keep meaning to dig out my copy of Space Hulk...