Tuesday 1 March 2022

Gather the troops!

I’ve finished two more members of my Frostgrave warband, a thug and a crossbow man:

The thug was made using the Frostgrave soldiers kit, whereas the crossbowman is a lovely metal mini from a Westfalia Kickstarter, proving that Frostgrave is the perfect opportunity to use those odd minis that you didn’t really have a plan for!

Lovely stuff! She got a blue cloak at my wife’s suggestion, rather than something that would be better suited for a sneaky sniper. 

Much the same logic for the Thug’s yellow hat, I figured it would look snazzy more than anything else.

Finishing these two miniatures brings the Tally to:

6 vs -5 = +11

and leaves the warband so far looking like this:

So what’s next?

I’m a little torn currently - I’m having second thoughts about the last Thug which would complete the warband, as the miniature I selected (another lovely mini from Westfalia) is far too nice to just be a generic meat shield that will probably die after only one game! So, I either need to find a new mini for that, or dig out a suitable previously painted miniature, or even just do without, as I’m planning on playing through Dark Alchemy where you get to use only a handful of your warband, so I probably won’t need that third Thug, and anyway I’m most likely going to replace them at the earliest opportunity as soon as the good pieces start rolling in…

One thing I am sure of though, I need to paint some doors…


  1. Great work on both figures, the red and blue are beautifully done.

  2. Lovely work. I do like the Westfalia sculpts there are some gorgeous figs in the range.

  3. Cool job on both! I didn't know the crossbowman mini, I find it pretty interesting. Nicely done!

  4. Great looking additions to your warband
