Saturday 24 August 2024

Flappy bitey things

So, funny story - these only got accelerated up the painting queue (having been dug out of a bad of abandoned half painted miniatures) as my original plan was to take about half a dozen paints on my work trip, and these could easily be painted using a very similar paint scheme:

Then I realised that I could just take a suitcase, and an entire box of paints, but they still got painted. I figure some sort of imp and a feral vampire have plenty of applications in my various projects, whether than be Dungeons and Dragons, Frostgrave, or The Silver Bayonet.

They are both old Mage Knight sculpts, so some of the detail is a little soft, but that’s nothing a little careful lining with a darker wash can’t help with!


45 vs 196 = -151

We’re almost finished with the Travelodge minis, I promise!

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