Thursday 22 August 2024

A great, black dog…

 When I dug out the hound for my last post, I also grabbed the Hound from the Barbarian Tracker pack, as some Silver Bayonet scenarios need a Black Dog, a massive evil hound from folklore with red eyes, and I thought he’d be perfect for it:

Again, he was mostly painted in a Travelodge in Ilford. The day after washing him, I realised that I hadn’t actually brought any Dark Tone, and had unwittingly washed him with a mix of Strong Tone and more Strong Tone!

I was able to give him a black wash when I got home to darken him down a bit, as well as adding some static grass and shrubbery to break up the relatively large base. Speaking of relatively large, that’s another reason the Barbarian Hound is ideal for this - he’s absolutely massive!

Here he is menacing a couple of Silver Bayonet types, to display just how hench he is:

In hindsight, I probably should have taken a picture of him next to Tim’s new dog to show the size comparison, but I’m writing this at my mother in law’s before heading off to the funfair, so c’est la vie.

Another mini finished brings the Tally to:

43 vs 196 = -153

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