Sunday 2 June 2024

Dem bones dem bones

 Dem huge bones:

I’ve been reading my children the D&D Dungeon Academy books on and off at bedtime, and one plot point involved the party fighting a necromancer who had a bunch of defeated skeletons reform and combine into a bigger threat and I thought you know what I’m stealing that, and so this Mage Knight figure that was in parts in a baggie got fast-tracked to the front of the painting queue:

Bam, a giant skeleton made of smaller skeletons, mostly drybrushed so very quick to get finished.

I own a couple of construct based mini campaigns for Frostgrave too, so it can also stand in for a large Construct if at some point in the future Tim the Necromancer learns how to make those…

Another mini painted, another gradual slide back towards being in the black for the Tally:

15 vs 147 = -132

Speaking of minis that are quick to get finished, I’ll leave you with a sneak peek of something else I’ve been experimenting with:

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