Monday 3 June 2024

Additional gargoyles

As ever, I continue to hop from project to project as my fancy wanders to keep motivated. Looking way ahead, if I play through the Silver Bayonet expansion The Carpathians I’ll need four gargoyles, and handily years back I painted… three Mage Knight gargoyles. Handily I knew I had some more stashed somewhere, so dig them out and tried to match my decades old paint job:

If anything, they’ve come out a bit cleaner than my original paintjob, but it’s close enough I think.

Here they are all together:

I only need four, but I figured I might as well paint both the figs that I found just in case, especially as I’m finding running D&D that I often need multiples of the same type of miniature, so all these one off low level creatures like frogs and snakes I’ve painted in the past are less useful than you’d think… 

Interestingly, it seems the newer paintjobs are slightly different sculpts to the originals, having smaller wings, which is odd as I thought they were all the same Mage Knight Dungeons Gargoyles figure. Google suggests that the gargoyle does on fact have small wings, so I wonder if past me cut up a named character gargoyle? Eh, I needed gargoyles, and gargoyles I have, so it’s all good.

Finishing this pair brings the Tally to:

17 vs 147 = -130

1 comment:

  1. Goliath approves. Sorry animated series reference!! They'll do just fine on the table.
