So, things have been all quiet on the blogging front of late, as I now have somewhat reduced modelling space:
Yes, that's right, I am now the proud owner of one tiny ewok. She spends a lot of time sleeping currently, so I've been grabbing some modelling and painting time during my Paternity leave where I can...
Well, if by grabbing modelling and painting time you mean wildly procrastinating, watching blocks of Community on Netflix, or spending half an hour searching for your superglue because you can't remember where you put it when tidying away dangerous things ready for having a baby only to find that you did in fact put it somewhere sensible you just didn't look at the back of the modelling supplies cubbyhole...
When I finally tracked down the necessary materials, I thought I'd crack on with the Jaime Lannister conversion that's been rattling around the Song of Ice and Fire project box for a ridiculous amount of time waiting for the right head transplant...
One Westwind Pictish head later and voila, we have a Jaime ready for painting. So, based on how long it took me to finish my Ned miniature, expect to see a post in two to three years...
After six months of being good, I had a little splurge though, and ordered a few bits for some Mass Effect inspired fun:
A limited edition Mantic figure that is 'heavily inspired' by the Geth. All I need to do now is work out whether I should spend infinity money on buying more of these, or should I see about casting up the head to use on donor bodies...
A Strider mech from Dreadball, because I got it for such a good price that I figured I could convert some weapons onto it rather than just coughing up the cash to pay full price for the Deadzone one that comes with weapon arms...
And also an Enforcer starter to convert into Cerberus Assault Troopers and the kickstarter exclusive figure to convert into a Quarian scavenger type.
Alas, I still find myself searching for the right helmets for headswaps before work can begin in earnest - the general look I'm after is this:
The closest I've found is a Pig Iron head (top centre), but I'm still hoping there's something better that I have as yet to discover (anyone that can think of any I've not seen, drop me a comment and I'll love you forever)
Well, heads and the new Enforcer support booster and an Infinity ninja (to convert a Guardian and Phantom respectively), but then I'll be right on the productivity train (well, that or go back to looking for heads to Frankenstein onto Sedition Wars bodies...)
Tally - 6 vs 15 = -9