Sunday 25 June 2023

Projects next steps

I thought I’d briefly step back and have a look at what I need to do to be able to play the next scenario in the various campaigns I’m currently running through. While I envy those with one project, that just crack on with what they need to do and probably get more games in, I admittedly quite like having so many options for wherever my creativity takes me, even if it does mean I’m averaging about one game of Rangers every eighteen months! 

So, here’s the list:

Last days

Terrain - an entire city

  • Finish painting tiny Greggs 
  • Make and paint tiny GW
  • Make and paint two apartment blocks
  • Build and paint the mdf apartments I got in the bundle
  • Make more buildings I guess until I’ve got enough to make a dense enough board
Farm scenery for the survivors home base:
  • Make and paint a farmhouse
  • Build and paint greenhouse I bought at Salute
  • Finish painting barn
  • Paint Bad Squiddo gardening scatter terrain

Which is why you’ll notice scenarios aren’t in the inner city yet, instead being whatever I can pull together at short notice, as unlike the other projects this one goes ahead every month regardless of how prepared I am!


Perilous dark

  • Paint some golems
  • build and paint some vapour snakes


Well of sorrow and dreams - narratively it makes sense that Tim, disappointed at how hard it sometimes is to get spells off, might stop off on the way to investigate a magical weapon shop to follow up on rumours of a magic we’ll that makes you super powerful. All I’d need to do to play this scenario is:

  • build a well!

Rangers of Shadow Deep


  • build and paint a river
  • Build and paint a ford
  • Build and paint a bridge
  • Build and paint a camp (I’ve got some Renedra tents, so this shouldn’t be too big of a step, and it even comes with a little campfire!)
  • Build and paint some more rocky terrain (as what I have so far isn’t sight blocking enough for the needs of the scenario)


  • paint a vulture

Not much then!

Silver Bayonet

  • Finish and paint sapper conversion
  • Convert and paint Doctor
  • Decide on the rest of the unit - currently leaning towards a veteran, which will need painting.
  • Finish painting the 2 werewolves that have been sat on my painting tile for quite a while now


  • Finish painting the 6 Clanrats on my painting tile, where I was hoping that doing smaller batches would let me power through more quickly
  • Paint a Clanrat standard bearer
  • Paint a tiny rat (as it turns out that the warlord model I’m using doesn’t rank up with a Clanrat behind him)
  • Paint the other 20 odd Clanrats to finish the unit
  • Finish painting the Chieftain
  • Convert and paint a Battle Standard Bearer
  • Paint Warp Lightning Cannon
And all this to finish 500 points!

Ronin of Shadow Deep

This is less ‘what I need for the next scenario’ and more ‘I haven’t really started this project’

  • Finish painting my Ronin
  • Finish painting the archer
  • Convert and paint some Japanese zombies (I have some ideas for these…)
  • Paint a ninja
  • Decide on the rest of the warband, acquire those minis, and paint them!
  • Acquire and paint some Japanese peasant/civilian miniatures
  • Build and paint a set of Japanese village terrain. Not sure if I’ll scratch build or jazz up some mdf terrain…

So, it looks like Frostgrave is the closest to me being able to play a game! Last Days is happening every month regardless of what I do, but I would like to get the farm ready for some thematic home base defence games. The city I can do in instalments, as I’ve already got a bunch of city ruins that I can use to supplement whatever I finish! Silver Bayonet is also not that much to do, although it does need a couple of models converting, which can take a while as I spend as much time umming and ahhing as I do actually applying knives and glue. The two Shadow Deep projects have quite a lot of terrain that need doing, which is a hefty barrier, but I’ll get there eventually…


  1. There's a lot of scenery in here to keep you busy. As for the well my company does one that fits in Frostgrave well

  2. That's a lot of stuff! Got to admit, I'm intrigued by the tiny Greggs.
