Wednesday 25 January 2012

WOMP day two

Another day, another blog post as I continue to not fail in my attempts at sticking to a plan that I have posted on the internet for all and sundry to see and judge:

I had a six foot tall lamp on my shoulder when I took this, and it's still a bit dark. Huzzah, a skeletal cyclops though! Originally a dungeons and dragons prepaint, he's a funky little sculpt - well, I say little:

He does rather loom over a 28mm type that's currently in the painting queue...

Not being content with finishing just one miniature, I actually finished... two.

A Prizefighter for Firefly, wearing Blue Sun sponsorship colours. And yes, I screwed up his left eye, so painted it swollen shut. Bam, instant fix! But what's that, three colours isn't enough?

We also have a fourth colour and some shaky freehand, which says 'fiscal wing exclamation mark' in simplified chinese.


Which is as close to 'wealth and glory to the winner' as my google translation skills could get (seriously, 'winner' čƒœåˆŠč€… just wouldn't fit). Because yes, sometimes an obscure reference to an old Japanese giant robot Playstation game is sometimes more important than grammar.

With these two finished, it brings the tally to:

4 vs 27 = -23

Currently I can see half a dozen miniatures that with only a little focus and determination I can finish tomorrow. But don't hold your breath, there's also twenty-eight miniatures next to them that are nowhere near finishing, which I will inevitably find more attractive when I come to next pick up a paintbrush...


  1. " there's also twenty-eight miniatures next to them that are nowhere near finishing, which I will inevitably find more attractive when I come to next pick up a paintbrush..."

    Man, can I relate to that!

    Yes. Yes I can.

  2. Um I can't, well... not in the miniature context that is... but GO GO GO! Routing for you! :)
