Saturday 20 July 2024

Drunktown: Population One

Clearing some bits off of my painting tile to make space for the next batch of undercoated little men, I’ve finished this chap who is looking slightly the worse for drink:

He’s a Black Scorpion mini I picked up at Salute. Their range is gorgeous, but unfortunately they’re head and shoulders taller than the Artizan and Foundry minis that I’ve already bought for my Cowboy project. With a slumped drunk, however, I figured the scale discrepancy wouldn’t be as noticeable… which leads me to why I bought him at all - a number of Legends of the Old West scenarios require about a dozen civilian bystanders, and I figured old Jeb here would fit pretty much anywhere there was a fence post for him to slump up against.

The Tally hasn’t only swing in one direction though - I (foolishly, perhaps) messaged a friend to highlight that MaxMini were doing a mystery box, with forty miniatures for only twenty pounds. We prevaricated, and discussed the fact that neither of us needed any more miniatures, until said friend came up with the idea of getting a box and drafting it like they were Magic cards. So we went and sat in the beer garden of my local pub and did just that:

It contained 46 minis all in, so both of us walked away with 23. There were so, so many halflings, so many that my friend considered restarting his Five Leagues project to feature an entirely halfling party. I ended up focusing mostly on undead types, as I figured that I could paint them up for Zomtober to add to my Zombieslayer Warhammer bits - which is going to be a big step, as despite the fact that they’ll never see the inside of a GW, and I’m building them for an out of print, unsupported edition, I still have this weird (conditioned, perhaps) feeling that I’m only allowed to use official GW minis for Warhammer. Which is absurd, but I guess to be expected when I’d been drinking the GW Kool-Aid since I was… 9, probably?

All in all, the Tally now stands at:

39 vs 175 = -136

What’s next? More clearing of the decks before I can crack on with these:

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